Principle 3: Bring Places Closer

Principle 3: Bring Places Closer  

Establish networks of transportation

The large-scale open space network will require an extensive network of multi-modal connectivity. However the emphasis will be on walking, cycling, use of public transportation and cars in that order.

Develop a low cost mobility alternative for travelling within the open space system

Open space network must be well connected with low-cost multiple modes of public transport as an alternative to private transportation. The loops and trails can provide leisure and natural routes of commuting along the open spaces. A composite light rail transportation solution that connects one open space to the other can be explored as a viable option of commuting.

Establish pedestrian, bicycle and trail system

The open spaces shall be accessed through an extensively connected network of non-motorized transportation trails and paths. The edge conditions will accommodate 2-wheeler, and 4-wheeler parking spaces along with cycle sharing stations and pedestrian rest spots.

Create a network of loops within and between the different open spaces

The open space network is a corridor of connected spaces yet the contextual identity can be established by creating 2 km interlocking loops and trails. Each loop shall house relevant programs and character to complement the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Principle 3: Bring Places Closer